Menu 415-981-1102

Hello Dr. Savage, Michelle and Aurora,

Its Natasha, I was in to your offices last week. I wanted to thank all of you for your attentiveness, empathy and support through a what turned out to be a scary process!

Aurora, you were wonderful on the phone and secured me an appointment at 11:15 with Dr. Savage. Michelle thank you for taking care of me before Dr. Savage came into the examining room.

Dr. Savage, thank you for your swift and accurate diagnosis of acute appendicitis, calling ahead to CPMC ED and giving the doctors there a heads up. I ended up having the surgery Wednesday evening and back to work on Thursday, and back home Saturday night. THANK YOU...this could have had a different ending had you not urged me to go to CPMC.

Thank you all for doing what you do, making a difference in people’s lives!



Dear Dr Savage,

Thank you for your friendship.

Dr Savage,

This note is so late you may not recognize me. I came in with a vaginal discharge.

I want to tell you how much I appreciated you listening, advising me about vitamin D, discussing my past breast cancer and, in general being a kindhearted doctor.

Thank you for calling and leaving a message for me in Portland. I'm seeing my doctor here.

Carolyn W.

Dr Savage & Great Staff

Thank you for being here for us. How many times have you saved our lives.

Wendy W.

Doctor Savage,

You treated my daughter who was a "out of towner". You that helped that night, Joanne T.

As her mother, I appreciate your knowledge of medicine and the human body.

Thank you!


Claudette T.


Happy Holidays!

Thank you so much for your kindness and warm care throughout this year.

We sincerely wish you happy new year with much happiness & good health.

from Swingle family

Dear Dr Savage,

I came in last Wednesday for an appointment to check up on my bronchitis. Unbeknownst to me, my insurance plan did not cover the visit. I couldn't pay for it. Despite these factors, you still took care of me. I appreciate it so much. Even though people shouldn't be denied care, many doctors would not have taken care of me if they were not getting paid in full for it.

You're the best doctor I've seen and took very good care of me. Thank you so much again, you really helped me out. I'm sending good energy vibes your way. Take care!

With much appreciation and gratitude,

Stephanie W.

Dear Dr Savage,

At the time of Irving's visit you suggested he might get tested for Factor V Leiden. He was recently tested by the hematology dept. at the University of Minnesota. He did indeed test positive for the heterozygotic form. Now he makes a few more adjustments to his health care.

Thank you so much for the advice - we never would have thought of Factor V.

With deep gratitude and appreciation,

Carol and Irv G.

Dear Dr Savage:

Thank you so much for helping me while I was visiting San Francisco over the week of January 18th. You made me feel much better both mentally and physically about my broken blood vessel in my eye. You also gave me some counselling in some other areas.

It was really a pleasure to have met you and thank you for your kindness and consideration.

Yours very truly,

Jack C.

Traveler Medical Group