Pharmacy Referrals
Pharmacy Referrals in Downtown San Francisco
You’ve spent the time visiting a doctor and treatment now involves a trip to the pharmacy. Do you want to hunt all over town for one that carries your prescription?
Of course not! You simply want to feel better. Here at Traveler Medical Group, we know our patients spend enough time seeking treatment, which is precisely why we don’t just fill out a prescription and send you on your way. Instead, we can help in a variety of ways.
We can call nearby pharmacies to make sure one that’s convenient for you has a particular medication in stock.
We’ll also make sure we refer you to a pharmacy that is actually open. No one wants to spend time navigating traffic, finding a place to park or walking across town only to discover the pharmacy isn’t open on Saturday evenings. Staying at a hotel in San Francisco? We can find the best pharmacy, with the medication you need, near the hotel where you’re staying.
We’ll also make sure to find you a pharmacy that accepts your insurance.
Pharmacy referrals are just one of the many things we do to make sure we do everything we can to take care of our patients, while they’re in our office and otherwise.