Primary Care
Internal medicine physician practicing travel medicine in San Francisco since 1991.
Same-Day Availability
We offer compassionate, caring service for people in need of medical care. Straight to the point. Same day appointments available since our doctors are on call for hotels, airlines and travelers.
We provide comprehensive medical needs for patients. Both urgent and primary care services in San Francisco will keep you healthy and balanced. And we don’t believe that we need to charge people extra service charges when they lack health insurance.
We provide a holistic, integrated service based on western medicine, science and common sense.
How are we different from other medical offices?
We are on call 24/7 for emergencies. We have been in business since 1991 – we have a depth of experience from seeing 100s of thousands of patients over the years. Get in touch today, tonight, or anytime!
Typical Ailments
Common conditions and complaints we experience in our offices and as on call doctors servicing hotels, airlines and travelers in San Francisco include abdominal pain, allergic reactions, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, burns, chest pain, cold sores, conjunctivitis, constipation, COPD, dermatitis, diarrhea, fatigue, gastritis, gastroenteritis, headaches, hemorrhoids, hypertension, ingrown nails, back pain, nausea/vomiting, pneumonia, shingles, sinusitis, muscle spasms, strep throat and urinary tract infections.
Read more about some of these ailments here, or feel free to give us a call anytime!
Other ailments we see include acute tracheobronchitis, allergic rhinitis, acute bronchitis, cellulitis, cerumen impaction, cystitis, diabetus mellitus, diverticulitis, epistaxis, eustachian tube dysfunction, GERD, labrynthitis, otitis media, otitis externa, pharyngitis and vaginitis.